About Us

The Spirit of Tonggo

Tonggo is a brand that supports fair treatment of animals. Any breed of dogs have no distinction between high and low. They should not be cared for only by their appearance. Every life should be treated and respected fairly. "Tonggo" represents every breed of dog in this land, because "We are all the same" and "We are all Tonggo".

Our brand hopes to bring together a group of life-loving people who hold the same idea with Tonggo pet daily necessities, and bring out the message of equal treatment together, and connect people and animals for a better life through our fashion and high-quality product design.


Tonggo 是一個支持動物公平對待的品牌,任何品種的狗狗都沒有高低之分,不應只憑外表去愛護,每一個生命都應得到公平的對待和尊重。「Tonggo」代表著這塊土地上每一隻品種的狗狗,因為「We are all the same」、「We are all Tonggo」

品牌希望藉由 Tonggo 寵物生活用品,集合一眾抱持相同理念的愛生命之人,一同帶出平等對待的信息,並透過時尚和優質產品設計連繫人與動物的共同美好生活